Top 10 Essential Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Needs
All are organic Vitamins

 The necessary vitamins needed for a healthy body.

  Our food is a combination of proteins, starches, sugars, minerals, salt and water, all in a weighty substance that can be seen separately from each other. But there is another thing besides them. Which has no weight but has many benefits, their absence in our diet has a bad effect on our health. Many types of sweethearts are born. The body becomes weak, the immunity becomes weak and the person starts to get sick quickly. If this substance is present in the diet, health remains correct.

 The body is energy. Able to fight diseases. Therefore, those things whose presence in the diet increases health and absence of which leads to the production of many special affections are called vitamins. Vitamins work under a very profound principle. In our bodies, in our fields, and wherever there are signs of animal or vegetable life, two forces are constantly at work.

 The power of growth on the one hand and the power of seeding on the other to hinder growth will be easily understood by the example of cultivation. A seed grows into a plant with soil, fertilizer, sun and wind growing it. Many caterpillars and locusts bite the leaves of this small plant while birds etc.

 protect the plants from these enemies by making these insects their food. The food that our body needs also contains these medicinal properties, proteins and fats to protect us from obesity and weakness. If these are not in our diet, there are diseases such as stiffness and swelling in the joints, redness in the eyes, inflammation of the throat.

 Complaints like swelling of the joints, shaking of the teeth, weak and crooked bones, swelling of the cheeks, lack of food and so on. This vitamin is mostly found on the bottom of grains, inside the skins of pulses, in fresh vegetables and their green leaves, in fresh and slightly fermented milk, green beans, peas, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc. In the frenzy of sophistication, they are fond of eating machine-peeled rice, peeled and washed dal, highly boiled milk and stale (friend) vegetables for many days. They are deprived of this healthy vitamin. They are and suffer a lot if their loved one is attacked even a little. Vitamins are usually found in green vegetables, fruits, grass-fed animals, milk, liver, and eggs. But their original birth is first from plants, then from there it is transferred to the body of animals. Vitamins dissolve very well in water. But they are destroyed by high heat and heat. Generally, they are destroyed at 100 temperature. They are left over by boiling or cooking with just a few ingredients. But by adding more thi and cooking or mixing in thi, the vitamins are completely lost. If something is cooked by adding baking soda, the vitamins are destroyed very quickly. Even if they are dried, their effect is lost. Vitamins are very low in meat. There are many types of vitamins, for example vitamin A is usually found in green vegetables such as cabbage, cabbage, tomatoes and fresh fruits. Milk, curd and cheese are found in butter lassi etc. Vitamin B is commonly found in grains such as wheat, corn, rice, lentils and especially in the hulls of lentils. This vitamin is often found in fresh salads and especially tart fruits, fruits, lemons, malta, oranges, tomatoes, raw vegetables, radishes, carrots, peaches, apples, fresh milk, etc. Vitamin D is closely related to vitamin A. It is also found in foods that contain vitamin A. 

Sunlight is also a good source of vitamin D. However, no food is good by itself, so it is important to always consume a proper and balanced diet to stay safe from diseases.